Real-Time Monitoring of Just-In-Time Rail Conditions

Traction Enhancement

Traction Gel Applicators

The Traction Gel Applicator (TGA) applies Traction Gel to the rail head to combat the build up of leaf contamination on the head of the running rail(s).

The gel is picked up by the train wheels and carried along, treating both the wheels and the rail head.

Unlike the MPV’s which are used to lay traction gel on the rail, TGA’s apply the product as every train passes and therefore provides continuous conditioning.

TGA De-commissioning, Servicing & Re-commissioning

We offer a full service provision for Traction Gel Applicators. Typically these units are in service for 14 weeks per year, we offer to de-commission units, fully service & store them off site at their own facilities prior to re-commissioning them ahead of the next Autumn leaf fall season


Alleviate™ is an innovative traction gel that enhances the coefficient of friction at the wheel/rail interface. It improves train braking capability, wheel traction and conductivity in track circuits.


  • Significantly enhanced COF with reduced traction and braking risks due to leaf fall contamination and iron oxide formation
  • Optimized sand particle size via R&D, focusing on field-proven wheel/rail interface theory
  • Cold weather application
  • Innovative corrosion control properties to effect early morning dew/moisture suppressing the formation of iron oxides within the 3rd body layer
  • Designed for trackside and vehicle-based delivery
  • Optimized storage/shelf life